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I got to know Spin through a close friend who did his master’s thesis at this company.

As advised by my supervisor, I initially attended several organised courses to learn the basic skills of some software useful for the thesis, such as Flux 2D.

I was immediately welcomed with great kindness and thoughtfulness by the Spin staff.

In May 2019, I formally started my thesis project, which was completed in December.

It was a very positive experience in many respects: at Spin, I was able to explore very interesting topics from the point of view of electromagnetic design and increase my personal interest in the study of electrical machines, thanks also to the opportunity to work frequently in the laboratory.

I was always flanked and helped in the moments of difficulty that inevitably accompanied me during the development of my thesis, mainly by Simone who never denied me his time by offering valuable support both in the lab and in the use of software.

For these reasons I would recommend Spin to students interested in studying rotating electrical machines. If I had to describe Spin in three words, I would definitely say that it is an innovative environment, because it is always in step with the times and with the new technologies available on the electrical market; competent, because it has always proved to be so; and finally, welcoming, because I have always been treated cordially and warmly by the Spin staff.

Thesis title: ‘Methods for the theoretical and experimental evaluation of losses in soft ferromagnetic materials in sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal regimes’.


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