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Spin was invited to a meeting of the Women in Engineering. We would like to present this important project to support young women and thier professional growth.

IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is a global network of IEEE members and volunteers dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists, and inspiring girls around the world to follow their academic interests in a career in engineering and science.

IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

Mission & Vision

Their goal is to facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines globally. They envision a vibrant community of IEEE women and men collectively using their diverse talents to innovate for the benefit of humanity.

IEEE WIE is committed to:

  • Provide assistance with the formation of new IEEE WIE Affinity Groups and support ongoing activities
  • Recognize the outstanding achievements of women in electrical and electronics engineering through IEEE Awards nominations
  • Organize workshops at major technical conferences to enhance networking and to promote membership in IEEE WIE
  • Advocate women in leadership roles in IEEE governance and career advancement for women in the profession
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